mmmm let see now..where should I begin with this one..It's always a challenge for me to write a review about Apple's latest product, because somehow it tends to draw many of those haters out there to leave such a rude comment about it! What the... dude?? If you chose to use another device thats your choice! This is my review, and I'm writing about something that I love, that I really know and what I've seen, heard and expirienced it first hand. So be gone haters! Go find something more important to argue about. Theres more to life then just hating.
Ok..heheheheh what an opening ey??
Last night, 4 Oct 2011, 9.57 (Cupertino, California)...well its midnight here in Jakarta! My wife was already sleeping, I'm online with my friends Pati (@fertpolin), Gunan (@gunantyo), and Erik (@EriecYevado) via twitter and whatsapp! our heart were pumping fast, hands were sweating, I held my thrist so I wouldnt go to the toilet to take a pee-pee cause I wouldnt wanted to miss a thing of this increadble event. We were talking rubbish on twitter can't wait for the presentation to begins. The feeling reminds me of my first day at kindergarten.
This is the moment where Tim Cook will be addressing himself as the CEO of Apple! (Dont ask how I feel about Steve Jobs resegnition). And for most of the people, this is the moment where, they thought the new iPhone will be realesed! The iPhone5!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA I can imagine how they feel when its actually iPhone4s ! Many people will be dissapointed in this. But c'mon people..didn't you see the patterns here? iPhone, iPhone3G, iPhone3GS then iPhone4? So it's obvious that the next iPhone is iPhone4S not iPhone5!
From the look of it, it still featured the same design as the previous iPhone4, I bet many people were angry about this..but theres a monster chip inside, an A5 CoreDuo chip! It will make the iPhone runs apps faster, smoother graphic and of course the most powerfull iPhone yet!
Next one is the camera. I always uncomfortable when reviewing a phone's camera, maybe bacause I find that was not important, but since I found out the fact that 90% of my photos in iPhoto were taken by iPhone camera, it is, the iPhone4S has 8MP camera with autofocus,tap to focus, LED flash and also Face Detector! The front camera still VGA. For video recording it will produce HD (1080p) up to 30 frames per second. For most people, at least for me, maybe it will be the best camera video.
One of the most, or I think it will be the one that most people happy is that iPhone4S uses GSM and CDMA frequency!
Thats it...everything else is just the same as iPhone4, one more thing, dont forget that the letter "S" behind 4 and 3G at the time, stands for "Speed" so its obvious the main changes is the chip inside it.
But wait!!
Theres iOS5! It will be the most powerful mobile phone operating system yet (I bealive this is why those haters hates me...screw them!) I assume that all of you readers are already know about iOS5 so I'm not going to write about all of it feature (go find it on But there's one very very and I mean VERY interesting has a name..."it" its actually a woman...and her name is Siri. She's like a secretary inside your iPhone. Just ask! Siri will do the rest! Sounds like Tony Stark stuff ei?? But its true. Siri is a virtual assistant implanted on the iOS5. She's smart, you dont have to remember or said the right sentence to make her do what you ask for, such as "how's the weather today?" you can ask her "should I bring an umbrella today?" and Siri will show you the weather forecast for today. Lets say, your friend ask you out by sending you a text messege, Siri will read it to you, and you can ask like "do I have anything on schadule on (let say) Friday?", Siri will check on your iCal and inform you, you can even ask her to reply the messege and set the calender for your date! Siri remembers everything your wife, your personal data, your schedule everything....a bit creepy thou hahahaha....can't wait to meet her..
Right now Siri is already an easy target for those haters...poor her...we'll see...
iOS5 will be free for download on your iOS devices on the 12 of Oct 2011. And it runs on iPhone 3GS, 4 and (of course) iPhone4S, iPad and iPad2 sorry since I dont have iPod touch, so I dont know wich iPod touch can runs iOS5...sorry.
iOS5 also features iMessage (like BBM on Blackberry) between iOS devices, Notification center (like Android does) say bye bye to those annoying pop up notification while we're throwing Hadouken on StreetFighter Volt, newstand (Another name for newspaper store) and iCloud (new and improve version of mobile me).
Suggestion? Honestly for me, if I''m using iPhone4 right now, theres no strong reason to upgrade to iPhone4S. Since the features in iOS5 whats important. And I think iPhone4 still strong enough and fast enough to handle iOS5. It will survive for another year or two. BUT!! I'm actually using iPhone3GS right now and I encountered so many lag-ing and app crashing, and it still iOS4. Still good thou..But I'm not sure what will happen if iOS5 is installed. I'm considering upgrading it to iPhone4S :)
Well, I guess thats it...iPhone4S will be available for some country on the 14Oct and more on the 21st. I forget the coutries...sorry...And its the fastest distribution ever. Thanks to Tim Cook!!
The image above were taken from Apple official website