Steve Jobs just died
I jumped off my bed when I read the news on my iPhone, I surfed every net confirming the news. And its true. My wife also shocked. And I accidentally hurt her. I ignored her, and chose to stay speechless in the bathroom and twit about it. Not knowing she's crying in the room feeling unwanted... I'm very sorry for that. I really didn't mean to..thats how the news hits me. Thats how deeply emotionally I get towards this...
This post will not talk about Steve Jobs biography, I will write about how Steve impacts me.
When I was young, well I'm not that old actually, about 15 years ago, I was at high school. I used to think computer is piece of crap! C'mon! Its suppose to be making life easier! Computer is like a spoiled little brat! You have to build piece by piece, it was hard enough to pick the right parts, even harder to build it together. And if that thing got a virus, its doomed! I don't want a computer! But I have to have one since I took Art School at collage. So I have this big PC running AMD Athlon (its a chip where acts as the brain inside the computer, not a very smart one, but strong enough). For years I didn't want to upgrade the computer. Cause all the parts were inside that big box! No easy access whatsoever! It had billions of viruses, crashed so many time, power supply burnt...bwehhhh!
Then in 2002, my dad took me to a computer store, and asked if I want to upgrade my computer, or even buy a new one. He use an Apple computer when he was in collage, so he is the first person introduced me to one. He bought me a Power BookG4....and I was like...THIS IS IT!! It was clean, simple, powerful! I remember Steve said in one of his keynotes, "The customer didn't want to know about the hard part, so lets make their life easier by making a product thats really dedicated for them"..Thats it! No more right click refresh, I can upgrade my Mac such as adding more memory to it by only losing same screws, easy access. Really does makes my life easier! Thanks dad. After that, I got a job and I can buy my own Mac now :)
I'm the kind of person who really wants to know whats going on in the kitchen? So when I like one specific product, I would like to know who build it. So thats when I know about Steve Jobs. Bla bla bla yada yada yada I've done research about this guy is amazing! Couldn't find a word to describe that. One of his speech that really impacts me is the one where he delivered at the Stamford University. Two sentences changed my live completely "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life" and "Quitting from Apple is one of my best decision ever" !!! He quits Apple!! Than he came back rescuing it from bankruptcy! Steve is a perfectionist when it comes to products. Theres one story where his wife, Laurene, wants to buy a new washing machine. She have to do so many research and comparing so many products and presented to Steve. Then he chose the most efficient in electricity usage, water waste etc. For one rich people he really knows how to shop.
I learn so many leadership from him. He is a visionaries and he will make sure that his vision will come true! Steve's idea is like a spark in a tank of gasoline, look at iPhone! That one sophisticated phone that were created by the underdog phone company at the time, really create a great fire in the phone industry. Now all major phone company are racing to beat the iPhone. Great company starts from a small team! Apple really started from his garage by only three genius masterminds, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne. On one of his biography, he said that a great team is not about large number of people inside it to win the fight! But how you pick a handful of people that share the same interest, same dream and same spirit with you.
Then the tablet (you know, that computer where you can tap the screen using a stylus!). I lose faith in tablet, I love to draw but no tablets can really fulfill my standard. It was slow, thin, and the stylus didn't act exactly how I wanted. YEP! Here comes the iPad! It was huge again! Everyone wants an iPad! And every company wanted to have one just like that! It was perfect (for me). I can sketch, I can write, play games, maybe will be the device to help me teach my kids how to read one day.
Every time Apple released a new device, they took the environmental issue seriously. The MacBook box its getting smaller every release. No more thick instruction manual. So thats mean more space on the cargo ship, less fuel!
Right now I'm running a toy company, a small one. And I try my best to be a better leader for my employee, try my best to create the best products for all the customer, and also reducing my production waste. I learn all of that from Steve.
Its funny when someone is so great, really makes you like knowing that person even though you never meet him. And right now, Apple fanboy or not, the world just lost one incredible person who makes our live easier by creating these devices that really works for us. "I don't have to fit myself to use the product, it fits me!" Jonathan Ive (Head of Apple design team).
Btw, for those of you who watched the latest keynote presentation, can you imagine hows Tim Cook, Scott Forestall and others feeling knowing that Steve is dying in the hospital? phhfuuuhhhhh...
May you rest in piece Steve, thank you for everything. You made my life and everybody else's esier with your creation. You changed and set the bar so high in the tech world.
Below is my early sketch of Steve Jobs, using SketchBookPro on iMac. Its actually my first try on the Mac App Store.